Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Songs to run to

So 8k under my belt now and feeling good but what really gets me through my runs is the music pumping through my ears. This really distracts from the pain and hurt and pushes me on and on so its important to have the right tunes to keep me going, something too slow or easy listening doesn't really appeal likewise something too fast doesn't really help keep pace so its key to have the right balance

So here are my top 5 tunes to run to

  •  O fortuna - now I wouldn't call myself a fan of classical music and to be fair this is a fairly mainstream song but it fairly gets me going with the slow build up then big crescendo at the end.  This really gets you going

  • Don't stop believing - Journey - Yes thats right the song you've heard 10,000 times before but I'll tell you something the beat and the chorus line fairly distracts from the pain and hurt that goes on inside my head during a run

Just a selection of good tunes that get me round my jog each night but there is one tune that defies all other tunes when it comes to pushing through the pain barrier and inspires me to keep pushing hard and that is

Number One Song to Run to...................................

Gonna Fly Now - Rocky Soundtrack - Rocky II absolute belter (to be honest I could have chosen the whole Rocky soundtrack as my favourite tunes) This tune no matter how many times i hear this still makes the hairs stand on end so much so that I have been partial to a wee shadow box mid run if this comes on.  Who couldn't be inspired by Stallone the Italian Stallion pounding the streets of Philadelphia being followed by all those kids then running up those steps at the end truly inspirational

Remember folks this is all part of the bigger picture and that is me running 10k for MS Scotland to help others less fortunate so please give generously

Thanks in advance


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