Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The Home Straight

My Mum
Well just 12 days to go now and I can honestly say I am looking forward to getting the race done.  I've been training now since the end of January and i feel in good shape, now I'm not going to be breaking any records here but just to be able to get round 10k will be an achievement in itself.

Since January I have clocked up over 100 miles of training most of which was done in the late evenings at very cold conditions but i never expected that on the 6th of May with 2 weeks to go that this would be the first day that I got totally soaked by rain and hailstones.  Bad times.  What was meant to be a nice Sunday run around Duthie Park turned into a cold and damp event but it prepared me for what could happen come race day so I was glad in a way that i powered through this.

Once the race has been run I look forward to having a couple of well deserved days off to rest and recuperate ( i think I'm looking forward to this the most) I will also no doubt write the final chapter of my blog and bring to an end a fantastic 4 month journey that has seen many changes in my life most of which will continue

As ever I would really like to thanks everyone for their continued support this would be a much harder struggle without all the encouragement. 

I am also overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone, when i first decided to do this for charity i would have been more than happy to collect £200 yet alone £300 so to be sitting on £810 with 12 days to go is beyond comprehension and always leaves me stunned.  This will be the main driver for me as I hit the hard hill towards the end of the race and my body aches with the end of the run beckoning.

So with the possibility of another 3 more training sessions before the big day all my hard work has been done and then it will be race day 4000+ runners, a good 3500 in better shape than me and 10k of race to be run


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