So from previous blogs I explained the 5 things I missed the most since taking up this challenge and now I'm going to explain the 5 things I enjoy most about this process
5) The home straight - Running is a pain in the ass I'll be honest dragging this body around 3 times a week ain't easy but no pain no gain the race won't run itself. My training to date involves jogging and walking for around an hour currently covering last run 4.11 miles or 6.6km. The walking parts are great but the jogging part is tough but the best part of it all is when I'm on my last repetition and I know I'll be home soon and it will all be over.
4) The peace- A strange one really but when your out and about there is nothing to occupy yourself with other than your thoughts so to get away from it all is good it can be quite nice solving the worlds problems during a run.
3) The encouragement - I really appreciate everyone asking how I'm getting on with things it really makes all the aches and pains a little more bearable so thank you to everyone who keeps asking it makes it all worthwhile
2) The new me - The old me was fine dont get me wrong but the decisions and mindsets I have now are much better. Its so much easier to say no to things where before I would just have one (or often more) anyway. Likewise as the weight slowly comes off I've noticed trousers being a little looser and jeans once dubbed "out of fashion" (code for too tight) are now "back in fashion" so its really pleaseing to see a visible reward for my efforts
1) This blog - When I started out with this I wanted to use the blog as a diary of events and thoughts for my journey through this and I've found that writing this has in itself been a great help. Now I'm not the best when it comes to the written word and as previously mentioned my spelling and grammar are not the best but i think writing down how you think about certain thinks helps you understand a little bit more about yourself. I've always been honest in what I've written and looking back even at this stage I can see a great change in how I approach life. For me one of the most surprising things I've found is the audience I have captured, most of my blogs are forced upon my facebook friends or twitter followers @donnierob77 so I expect a large percentage of UK views and some views in Australia but this for me would be it, so to have over 41 views in America 8 in Russia 6 in the Ukraine as well as Germany, France and Ireland is totally mind blowing. God knows what their searching for in Russia to end up on my nonsense. Anyway the grand plan was to at the end of this all print it all off and keep it so that when I'm fat again I can look back on the good old days when I use to pound the streets all in the name of charity
Thanks again for taking the time to read this feel free to spread the word and remember its all for a good cause so dig deep
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